I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador and therefore, receive some compensation from their company. However, any and all posts I write about them are purely because I love their brand!

Friday, January 19, 2018

2018 Fitness Goals Reactivated!

It's 2018,  mid-January, to be exact and I just yesterday got all my Christmas decorations taken down and put back in their bins. I simply have not had the motivation to do it before yesterday. The bins have yet to be moved into the garage.  So for now they sit in my living room looking like ugly cat climbing toys (because that's what they're being used as currently). I'm waiting to task my teenage son with the job of carrying them away. I'm really enjoying that my son outweighs me now.  He gets all those heavy lifting tasks now instead of me.

So other than purging my house of all signs "Christmas" what else does January have in store for me?  New fitness goals, of course!  Well, new recycled goals.  They're really the same goals from last year.  And the year before that.  They're always my goals.  Why? Because it's so easy to SAY I'm going to do these things but when it comes down to actually making them a habit I struggle.  So before I say anything else let's talk about what these goals are!  Here's a little video I made full of optimism and hope! And yes, the shirt in the photo above sums up my feelings exactly! But I'm going to really try and keep it factual and not delusional!  Ha!

In case you're in a place that won't allow you to watch the video here's a quick summary of my goals (but I encourage you to watch the video.  I tried to be funny and entertaining).
1. Hill repeats
2. Speed Play
3. Pilates and Yoga
4. Consistent Foam Rolling

How am I doing so far?  Well, while they weren't hill repeats I did get a very hilly 6 miles in last weekend.  And I've been consistent about doing my Pilates for Runner's DVD and, happily, feeling stronger at it! My foam rolling has been going okay. Still not as regular as it should be but better than before. As for my speed work ... not so much ...yet.  I've been feeling like I'm fighting whatever germy nastiness has been percolating and circulating in these parts and my energy level has simply not been on par.  Yes, I'm using that as an excuse but it feels pretty legit when I can barely climb out of bed every morning.  So. Tired.  I've got all year to muster up the energy for speed work, right?  And I'm not feeling too bad about really focusing on one goal at a time until it's a strong habit, at which point, I can add in a second goal.  So for now, I'm really focusing on the Pilates (and yoga).  My thought is start with the base and build up.  Pilates will help strengthen and lengthen my muscles which will only be beneficial when I start doing more hill and speed work.  A stronger and more flexible body is less likely to get injured doing the hard work of running.  In other words, I'm not beating myself up about taking it one thing and one day at a time.

I'm also having fun trying new workouts!  I recently discovered Refit Revolution which is a dance based workout.  It's a lot of fun and works my brain as well as my body.  Learning and remembering dance moves isn't exactly easy for me!  I'm hoping it gets easier though as I signed up for a Refit Revolution Instructor Course in February and would love to teach classes at my church in the near future.  It would be so fun to do with friends!  And let's face it, it appeals to the once Cheerleader in me as it totally reminds me of some of the dances we did back in the day.  I just wish my body remembered how to move like it did when I was a younger.  Ha ha!  I feel like after all these years of running my body has forgotten how to step it out and let the hips sway and move.  Why I can hoola hoop with ease and not hit those Latin and hip hop type body rolls is beyond me!  But I'll get there.  And if not, I'll be a good example that you don't have to be perfect in your movement in order to move.  You just have to move.

So what fitness goals have you set for yourself in the New Year?  How do you plan on attacking them?  Feel free to share in the comments!


  1. I, too, tend to have the same goals each year, but I do like that you're finding different ways to achieve them. Maybe that's going to be what gets me there this year. (A chica can dream!)

    1. Dreams are what create goals, right? It certainly takes the pressure off when I let myself be creative in how I meet them. May we both make progress this year!
