I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador and therefore, receive some compensation from their company. However, any and all posts I write about them are purely because I love their brand!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Running Shoe Mileage

I just checked my shoe tracker on my running log and was amazed to see how quickly the miles have added up on my "new" shoes. Before I go on let me clarify what a shoe tracker is exactly.  It's simply a program that allows me to apply all the miles I've run to a particular pair of shoes.  If I run six miles I can tell the program to give those six miles to shoe A or shoe B - whichever shoes I wore for that run.  It's a simple way to determine when I need to upgrade to a new set of shoes.  Too many miles on one set wears them down and aches and pains can creep up.  Now that I've explained what the tracker is we can go back to my "new" shoes. They are already approaching 200 miles while my "old" shoes I've been alternating with are in the last days of their running life. They will soon be retired and turned into my walking shoes. My walking shoes, in turn, will be rotated into the position of camping shoes. And my camping shoes ... well, they will wind up in that space in my closet until I figure out what to do with them. The same place already occupied by other retired running shoes. One day I plan on donating them to a shoe charity or recycling place but have yet to find one easily accessible. Hence, they wait while I run out of closet space.

Meanwhile, I gave my husband the heads up that when he runs the next budget he will need to consider the cost of new shoes. That's the downside to all this marathon mileage. It's putting mileage on the pocketbook! It's a good thing I'm not into wearing lots of high heels and fancy shoes. I've not the room for them or the cash flow! Actually, I haven't the feet for them anymore either. The last thing I want on my poor tootsies after running for an hour or more is a pair of torture devices disguised as fashion. I don't care if they are supposed to make me look taller and sexier. I find my running shoes offer a more down to earth muscular look. They tell the world I've earned the calf muscle definition in my leg and that, in my opinion, makes for a sexy set of legs!

I'm excited to see the miles adding up on my shoe tracker. It's like wearing a pedometer but in miles instead of steps. It is the backstory to the concrete evidence my shoes display of all my runs in the rain, mud, dirt, leaves and grass. It is a testimony to all the hard work, dedication, perserverance and pure mental grit I've developed through this activity called running.

Think about this for a minute, what can equate to a shoe tracker and a set of shoes in your spiritual life?  Have you figured it out?  If so, you're good!  If not, let me give you a hint.  It requires reading and application.  Yes!  The Bible!  My bible is like my running shoes.  If it is being used on a regular basis then it will show the signs of wear and tear ... markings, scuffs, wrinkled pages.  The last thing I want as a Christian is a bible that still looks new and pristine after years in my possession.  It should look like I've taken it out for a few hard runs.  It should show all the work, dedication, perserverance and mental grit I've developed in my years walking (or running) with the Lord.  It should be the backstory to the concrete evidence my life displays of a commitment to Jesus Christ.  But here is where shoes and my bible differ.  While my bible may look worn down and old, the message in its pages will never wear down and become old.  It is as good today as the day it was first written.  I will never need to replace the words written between its covers.  I can  buy different bibles with different covers but the words, the truth, will always remain the same because Jesus doesn't change.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."  Heb. 13:8

    So when I've had a hard run in life and I'm tempted to put on some of those fancy schmancy 'you need this to make your life better' shoes the world offers, I'm going to remember what my poor tootsies require after a long hard run and I'm going to give my soul the same consideration I give my feet.  I'm going to reach for the soft comfort my bible supplies through the grace and goodness of Christ and let the "miles" add up. 


Monday, January 25, 2010

Training Schedule Freak Out

     Early in our relationship my husband learned I don't particuarly care for schedules.  "Make a list" he'd helpfully suggest when I had more than a few things on my plate.  "Get yourself a planner and write down everything you need to do."  He is an engineer with an organized and structured engineer brain so this made perfect sense to him.  Why would anyone do it any other way?  Well, because I'm not an engineer.  I married an engineer so I wouldn't have to worry about things involving numbers and analytical thinking.  As far as I'm concerned, list making and schedules fall into that area - his area.  Not mine.  Nope, no lists or schedules for this girl.   Think of all the time I'd waste sitting down to make a list.  Yes, yes, I know.  I hear all of you very organized people right now sitting at your computers, during your scheduled computer time, talking out loud, trying to tell me how much time list making and schedules save.  Be patient with me and read on.
    That was early in our relationship.  As time has moved on I have conformed to grocery lists and the school calendar.  I've realized just like night owls (hey, that's me too) have to conform to the hours of early birds, we unscheduled sorts must also conform to the organized calendar of school, children's extra-curricular activities and the family meal time.  However, I'm still mostly an unorganized personality at heart and when the complications of life begin to swirl around me my reaction can easily fall into the category of an F4 tornado.  In husband lingo that means, "Watch out!" 
     Imagine my husband's surprise when I started keeping a very organized and structured running schedule.   I've been using a training program off of the internet and am able to track all my workouts on-line.  I get daily emails telling me what I am supposed to do for that day whether it be running, cross-training or resting.  I track my pace and how many miles I put on my shoes.  I track how I am feeling for the day, what the weather was like and what I had to eat before my run. I am fanatic about it.  It is my lifeline for this marathon and if I can keep to the schedule I can make it to the starting line.  That's my hope and prayer anyway. 
     If there is anything scarier than watching an unorganized person try and keep up with life without the assistance of a schedule it is watching that same person lose a schedule they hold dear.  I was attempting to change my long run day so that I could run it with my husband and another friend.  My schedule didn't make this process easy and I wound up messing everything up.  Not only did I mess up my future workouts but I even messed up the ones I had already tracked so diligently.  I was beside myself!  Frustrated doesn't even begin to describe it.  I slapped my forehead once, twice, maybe three times.  I threatened to pull my hair out while yanking on a few strands for emphasis.  I shook my head over and over and over again in a sad and dejected way.  It wasn't pretty.  My poor sister in law was sitting beside me on the couch and I'm sure she was wondering if we should call in my cousin who is a psychiatrist for some intervention.    Fortunately, intervention came by way of my husband.  "Put the computer down.  We're watching a movie," he told me.  The next day he calmly took me into his office where he had his plan and together we went through the dates of our long runs.  It still wasn't perfectly back to the way I wanted it.  My past workouts were off by a day and there was no way I could fix them.  However, the future workouts were there for me to reference and that is the really important part anyway.  I could breathe once again.
     On my scheduled run today I got to thinking, how do I react when God messes up my schedule?  Do I respond by saying, "Okay.  I'm unscheduled anyway.  I'll do it your way."  Or do I throw a temper tantrum and say, "Hey!  This is a schedule I hold dear.  What are you doing?  You're messing everything up!"  Maybe I like schedules more than I think.  At least when they pertain to my life.  I'm so glad God is calm and patient with me.  He pulls me aside and reminds me that my life is His.  My past is in the past and can't be changed.  It doesn't matter if it looks messed up.  More importantly, my future is still ahead of me.  If I want to try and schedule it myself He'll allow it but if I want my run through this life to be the best it can be then I need to let Him do what He does best.  He is the wise coach who has organized my life from the beginning.  He knows exactly where I need to be on any given day of any given year.  He is my lifeline. 
Ahhh ... who knew I could learn so much from a schedule?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Less Traveled Path

     Today was a great day for a run!  The sun was shining and the temperature was a moderate 53 degrees.  Lately, most of my runs have been in the drenching rain and I've been coming home looking and feeling like a drowned rat.  While I actually enjoy running in some rain the sun was a nice change of pace.  Let me take that back.  The sun and 53 degrees was a nice change.  Monday I ran 14 miles with the sun in 60 degree weather.  Let's just say strong sun in 60 degrees can make me look like a sweaty rat.  Strong sun in 70 degree weather makes me look like a sweaty rat suffering from heat stroke who had probably taken a bite of poisoned cheese.  Yeah, I don't do heat all that well. Today though, the sun felt good. 
     Since my last run was 14 miles I had an easy 5 mile recovery run scheduled.  That means I was able to just enjoy myself.  Ahhh ... serenity.  I didn't want to have to think about dodging cars and curbs so I went to the trail and was rewarded with a beautiful hawk soaring directly over my head.  I love the trail!
     A little past the half-way point of my run I looked out over the path ahead of me.  It was a straight way and I could see the trail stretching out into the distance lit the entire way by the sun. Rather than feeling daunting, I found the distance inviting and in stark contrast to the busy road running parallel to me.  The road is one I would never run.  There are no sidewalks, very little shoulder and lots of fast moving cars.  I'm a fairly cautious runner and this just screams "danger!" at me.  My trail, on the other hand, was the perfect picture of serenity and peace.
     As I continued on my way, it dawned on me that this is a lot like my walk with the Lord.  I have two paths I can take.  One is the wide and often travelled road.  It looks big and fast and exciting.  It appears that if I travel it I will get where I want with speed and have a lot of fun doing it.  However, it's deceptive.  I can easily find myself lost among the crazy twists, turns and smaller roads jutting off of it.  I can get caught up in faster moving vehicles unable to slow down to a speed I find more preferable.  Likewise, if I drive too slowly I can be made to feel inferior as other's quickly pass me by.  I can find myself crushed and bruised if I take a turn too sharply and lose control.  What at first appeared to be the best route winds up being the death of me. 
     Then there is the less traveled road.  The narrow path.  Only a few opt to take its course but here I find peace.  I can walk the pace that is right for me.  I can enjoy the beauty and joy this life has to offer because I have the time to get to know the Maker of this life.  Every so often I find markers telling me I am on the right path and how far I've come.  I see the path is lit by the Son.  His warmth and light direct me.  I am never alone and never lonely.  Yes, there is debris that blows over from the other road.  If I'm not keeping my eye on the light I risk tripping and falling but the Son promises to guide me and even offers a hand in the more treacheorus territory.  He never promised an easy path but it will always be safe with Him as my guide.  One day He promises I will reach the end and there will be waiting for me a crown of glory.  Or a medal for the race minded among us.   So which path will you choose?  I know my choice.  I want the path that leads to life.  Besides, I'm always up for a new medal.  :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Running To Life

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time now. I have always loved to write and was a faithful journal keeper growing up. So why the long wait to start what is basically an on-line journal? Well, the answer is in the question. It is on-line. Pressure! It's not really about people being able to read what I write, that doesn't bother me and in fact, I hope people do read it. The pressure arrives when I have to decide the focus and title of this blog. I want to write about my passions in life. Lately, that has been my new found love for running and training for my first marathon. In addition, I want to include my love and passion for Christ. How do I make that work and how do I wrap it all up into one title that will portray all I want to say? What title can grab the attention of those who enjoy running yet also speak to those who understand what Paul was talking about when he wrote, "Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step." 1 Cor. 9:24-26
I decided even if I didn't have the perfect blog title it was time to take a leap of faith and just go for it. Sort of like that first 5K race I signed up for. I had no idea what to expect. What awaited me at the starting line and what would greet me at the finish line were mysteries but I took the chance and signed up anyway. What I found was a new passion. A passion that keeps me happy and healthy as I run through life. Not only am I leaner, fitter and better able to keep up with my kids but the mood lifting endorphins are an awesome bonus!
Running is also a passion in which I have found time to break away from the chaotic choppiness of life and enter into a small bit of stillness with my Lord. It gives me a chance to talk with him uninterrupted. It forces me to breathe, close my mouth (except to draw in deep breaths as my heart rate speeds up) and open my ears and heart to hear His voice. I've drawn a deeper understanding of what it is to run through this life He has given me. And lo and behold, I have the title of my blog. See what happens when one takes a leap of faith? God supplies a place for the foot to land. All these months of wrinkling my forehead in deep thought over a title and the minute I put fingers to keyboard (as opposed to pen to paper) the title just comes to me. Running To Life. It means I am running to a healthier and happier life but it also means I am running to Life Himself. May you also find yourself running to a happier and healthier life!