I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador and therefore, receive some compensation from their company. However, any and all posts I write about them are purely because I love their brand!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

2 Weeks To My First 26.2!

Today I am officially two weeks out from my first marathon. How does that fact make me feel? Well, I can sum it up in two words. The first word is, "AHHHHHHH!!!!" The second word is, "WHOO HOO!!!!!" Or maybe whoo hoo is two words. Either way, you get the idea. I am both petrified and exuberant at the same time. It was around two years ago that I first felt the bug to run a full marathon. My husband asked me to wait until our youngest was in kindergarten. I did. The summer before we sent him off to the big world of education, I began the process of reading everything I could on spring marathons in my area to determine which one would make the best first marathon experience for me. In September I adopted the 4 day running week my plan consisted of and made sure my weekly miles hit the 20 mile mark so I'd have a base to start from. November was the beginning of my actual training and March seemed so far away. I could hardly fathom what it would be like to run 16, 18 and 20 miles. Well, guess what! A calendar is nothing like a watched pot that never boils. I can't believe how fast the months (and miles) have flown. It's as if the normal passing of time is a slow walking pace but as I began my training runs, time sped up to run with me. Now I am only 2 weeks and 26.2 miles shy of my goal. I have to wonder if this is the point when time tapers with me? Does its fast pace suddenly slow down to a crawl in this last stretch? Am I going to feel like a child staring at the lights on the Christmas tree, wondering when the presents will be fair game, while the days move slower than Santa and his sleigh stuck in a foggy storm minus Rudolph? Or will time continue at its fast pace leaving me as the mom who has to bake cookies, buy gifts for 20 more people, mail out Christmas cards, wrap presents and still finish the promised Christmas craft all in two very swifly moving weeks? I guess only time will tell. So far I'm feeling like the rushed mom and for once, that is just fine with me! Time, bring on this marathon! Whoo hoo!!!! Or wait, maybe that's Ahhhhhh!!!!

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