Yep! It's December 1st and my house is being slathered with red and green, Santa, Reindeer, Baby Jesus, angels and soon, a tree! The tree is the best part, in the opinion of my cats. By the way, as I reread that last sentence it sounds really odd to say I'm slathering my house in Baby Jesus, angels, Santa and reindeer. Do I need to clarify decorations? I'm hoping that's pretty evident.
It's Christmas time and I'm trying to be ready for it this year! Last year we were busy selling a home and purchasing a building for our business and it was crazy town! We pared down on our decorating because we simply didn't have time to get it all done. This year I'm hoping to be more on top of it!
One part of being on top of it is getting all my October and November races blogged so I can move on to the fun of Christmas running! My last post was about the Snohomish River Half on Oct. 15th. Now we move to the Columbia Gorge Marathon on Oct. 22nd, 2017. This race has both a half and full marathon. The half starts in the town of Hood River, OR and follows the Old Historic Columbia Hwy before turning around and finishing back in Hood River. The marathon course, which is what my husband and I ran, begins at the Mark O. Hatfield Trailhead on the Old Historic Columbia Hwy which we follow up (and I mean up), though the town of Mosier and beyond, before turning around and finishing in Hood River.
We had heard this course was going to be hilly and difficult so after debating for a bit we opted to take the early start. This would prove to be a great decision as my husband had been dealing with some knee and calf issues and they decided to act up the second half of the race for a PW for him.
Weather had been awful the day and night before the race, and also while we were up and getting ready, but forecasts showed it was supposed to mellow out just in time for the start. We gulped and dressed for the promised brighter forecast despite the wind and rain pelting our camper (we'd opted to camp at Memaloose State Park for the weekend). Fortunately, the forecast was correct and the skies miraculously cleared just in time for the start! We even had rainbows on the course!
There were quite a few early starters and we met another couple who live just a few minutes from us. Instant friends! They too were doing a Galloway style run/walk so we decided we'd compare notes after the race. Our intervals were just a little off from one another but close enough we saw a lot of them on the course. Well, I did. (insert poor hubby head shake here).
My husband and I started out together. Usually we both run our own race but knowing his body was going to be fighting him he opted to try my intervals with me. Since the 1:00/:30 pattern worked so well for me at my last half I decided to use that pattern here. That said, we still tackle miles differently so we staggered one another a bit. He would continue to run/walk pattern uphill while I mostly power walked uphill. On the downhill I am able to fly while he has to slow down. There's nothing wrong with playing leapfrog with your spouse and we still managed to stick together for most of the first half. The scenery was beautiful and helped take our attention off the hills!
Oh yes, we also run differently because I like to stop and take photos and enjoy my surroundings. I paid to see these views! He was patient with me.
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Hello beautiful views! |
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Rainbow! |
Around the half way point I noticed my husband was no longer leaping me. I had lost him on a downhill. I needed to stop and tighten my shoes and thought perhaps he'd catch me while I did that but there was no sign of him. I prayed he was doing okay and ventured on. I told him later every time a volunteer vehicle passed me I glanced inside hoping he wasn't in it. He admitted he had considered dropping out but by the time he reached an aid station that would have allowed a drop, the cramp in his calf had worked loose and he was able to walk. So that's what he did. I'm glad!
I was having a good race. The hills were way more than I bargained for but the earlier run/walk intervals had left me with a lot of energy and I was able to hold a very strong power walk on all the uphills. Even on the mile plus long uphill section that I mostly walked my pace was around 14 minute miles. As soon as it would level off or head in a down direction I was easily able to resume running at a 10:40 and 11:00 or so minute mile pace. So much energy toward the later miles felt great! The last few miles were mostly downhill and I was able to fly. Yes, the last mile was hard and I was ready to be done but I was passing a lot of people. I finished in 5:17: 57 which is the fastest marathon finish for me since 2015 Seattle Marathon. I've been finishing super slow lately due to a stronger focus on 50 mile pacing and simply running a lot of marathons without a strong focus on speed. It's not a bad thing. I've enjoyed all my slower races as I've played a lot in them but it was good to get closer to a 5 hour finish again, especially on a hard course. I'm encouraged for what I can do on a less hilly course with more focused training. Maybe I can get back to my PR days of a 4:39 finish?
For the first time in awhile, I beat my husband to the finish line. I traded finish photos with some runners who were visiting from Texas while I waited for him. I also found fellow Skirt Sports Ambassador Cathie for a photo. That was a nice surprise because she ran the half and we weren't expecting to see one another due to our different start locations and times. She was waiting for a friend to finish so it worked out. Hurray for us!
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Me and Skirt Ambassador, Cathie |
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Here he comes! Perseverance at it's finest! |
We ate our tacos together and then headed back to the camper for some much needed rest and a dinner of lasagna, garlic bread and Caesar salad prepared in our little oven. Yum! Oh, I made him take finisher photos. He wasn't in the mood at the race finish. Judging by his smile he was here!
After a good night sleep and a lazy afternoon we packed up and headed home! On to November and more fall races!
And, in case you're wondering, I absolutely recommend this race! Stellar job by the race directors and all the volunteers!
I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador and do get compensation for promoting them. However, they did not ask me to write this blog or mention them here. I do that because I love their stuff and want to share!
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