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Coffee or run? Why choose one? Coffee and then run! |
Same day. Two different friends. Two different conversations. Same topic.
What was this popular topic of conversation? One I'm sure you've had yourself. You've probably discussed it with your friends. You've probably had the conversation with yourself as you're rolling out of bed in the morning, sitting on the couch with Netflix, chowing through that bag of chips. searching through your drawers for your favorite running tights or skirt, lacing up your shoes, and finally, as you're opening your front door.
The conversation starts many ways.
It's hard.
I don't feel like it.
I don't want to go.
I'm tired.
I'm so busy.
I worked out yesterday.
It's too cold out.
It's too hot out.
I'll go later.
Yes, both conversations today had to do with getting oneself out the door to workout and how hard that can be. The first conversation was with my faithful running partner. She just happened to text me about the possibility of running together as I was parking my car at the trailhead to go for a run. 10 minutes later my planned solo run turned into a fun companionship run. I love timing like that! We were both glad to have the company as we had both recently struggled to find the mojo to run. She, the day prior when a snow storm interrupted our planned group hill workout. She never did make it out the door. I do give her props for the yoga workout she got in as I think that totally counts! While I had managed to push myself that day to get my hill work done on the treadmill, I confessed it was a struggle to do it. I think I took 2 hours debating the best time to run it and changed in and out of my running clothes twice. Granted, I was trying to work it around some weird snow day school schedules but that wasn't the reason I was struggling. I was struggling because the couch, three DVR'd episodes of The Walking Dead (consider it motivation for marathon training - I can outrun the undead), and a mug of hot chocolate were calling my name. And even though I was dressed for our impromptu girls run, I still had debated for an hour or two whether or not I would run that day. I ran yesterday, you know. I love to run. I need to run. And yet, I often struggle to take those first few running steps.
My second conversation happened a couple hours later at a friends house as I was dropping off a Skirt Sports gift certificate I was donating for an auction benefit. It wasn't surprising that our conversation turned to the #REALwomenmove movement inspired by Skirt Sports. Real women. Who move. In their real bodies. Love it! The conversation found itself gravitating to the very real struggle it can be to move our real bodies. My friend shared she found it inspiring that I am so faithful in my running. I'm always out there, moving.
Well, since we're talking about real bodies let's be real about my running dedication. It. Isn't. Always. Easy. Sometimes I skip a run. Or two. Sometimes I'd rather watch Netflix (how do you think I caught up on the previous 6 seasons of The Walking Dead in just a couple months - I wasn't on the treadmill). You know what? Oftentimes, this real body doesn't want to move! I'm not sure if it's the brain that tells the body it is tired or if it's the body that tells the brain it's a good day to be lazy or perhaps they conspire together but regardless, the end game is the same...I struggle to move. I fight it. I hem. I haw. I tell myself it's okay, that I ran enough miles last week to carry me through this week. And it's not just running! Strength training, yoga, pilates, cycling, swimming, even my fun hula hoop, they are all sometimes met with less than stellar excitement. Sometimes, it's a simple case of "but I don't wanna'itis".
So how does one push through?
Accept it.
Accept that some days are simply going to be harder than others. Yep, this running and working out and being healthy gig isn't always fun. It doesn't always come naturally. And That's Okay!
It's okay!
Really, it is! The best things in life don't come easily. Well, okay, chocolate and coffee can be pretty easy to get but that's different. I'm talking about the life changing, life enhancing things you push for, strive for, fight for ... those things that make you feel like a kick butt, powerful, I dug through the mud and rocks and climbed the mountain and came out stronger for it; a humble, grateful and blessed soul. It's the stuff you're really proud about accomplishing simply because it wasn't easy. It was hard. And yet it didn't stop you. So when it's hard, accept that it's hard. Sometimes it even sucks. Yep, straight up sucks to step outside the door and take those first few steps. But then you take the next two steps. And three. And fifty. And before you know it you've taken 1000, then 5000, 10,000 and things are feeling really, really good. When you reach that good point, stop, take a moment and breath it in.
This is why you do it. This is why you push through the suck. This is why you force yourself out the door. It's not about numbers on a scale, or how your clothes fit. Yes, those are great benefits but let's face it, they don't always change. Don't make it about that stuff. Make it about how you feel. Judge your progress by how long it takes you before you get winded, how much farther down the road you made it before needing to pause and rest. Make it about how many more reps you were able to do before muscle fatigue, how long you can hold that plank, how many push ups you can successfully complete, how deep you can delve into a stretch. Make it about finding a natural, easy breathing pattern as you swim farther and longer. You can even judge it by the ability of your rear to withstand the bike seat (yes, I think that's a huge item to celebrate). It is these changes that keep you committed, day after day, week after week, month after month, and hopefully, year after year. These are the reasons you keep going, keep pushing, keep kicking your butt out the door to the pavement, the gym, your home workout room, the pool, wherever it is you're getting your fit on. Do it for the accomplishment, the reward of sacrifice. It is a sacrifice. Completely! A total sacrifice! We sacrifice time, energy, money, and probably other stuff I can't think of right now. But out of sacrifice comes growth. We grow when we push our boundaries, push our reality, push our expectations, push our pre-conceived notions of who we are.
But here's the other truth. Sometimes, real women don't move.
And that's okay.
We all have days when we don't make it out the door. We all have days when sleep, the tv, Facebook (hello, world wide web time suck) or, let's face it, life, win. There are many, many things that interfere with our motivation. That's real. That's life. One day, two days, a week, a month ... it doesn't matter.
It. Doesn't. Matter.
Get back up. Find those shoes you threw in the corner and left, maybe even forgot about. Lace them back up. They'll forgive you. Your body will forgive you. It will be grateful you didn't give up. Just don't give up. Start and start again, as many times as it takes. You've got this! Eventually, it does get easier. Those "can't push myself out the door" days get fewer and fewer because the memory of the "this feels awesome" triumphs becomes stronger and stronger. Oh yes, the mind and body do remember the good! Yep, you've got this!
I fail a lot. At so many things, in so many ways, on so many days. But fortunately, Christ doesn't fail me. He has always got my back. He's always holding me, steadying me, pushing me, encouraging me, forgiving me. When all else fails, seek Him! Yes, I'm reminding myself here, too. Give it to Him! Tell Him you're struggling. I won't promise it will suddenly become super simple. It might. All things are possible. But it might not. He teaches us through the struggles. Struggle teaches us reliance, reliance on Him and reliance on others. The help He offers might come in the form of a friend who shares your goals, inspires you, cheers for you, kicks your butt when you're being a whiny baby, or holds your hand and offers a hug and maybe a gentle nudge or permission to rest when you're genuinely standing in front of a road block. Be open to others. There is a huge community of people out there who are facing the same struggle as you to open the door and step outside. We've all heard don't judge a book by its cover. Just because someone looks like it's easy for them doesn't mean it always has been, or currently is, or always will be, easy. So open that door, step outside, get involved, make this a part of who you are. Find inspiration in those God has placed around you and in turn, inspire them!
Accept it.
Accept help.
Accept the struggle.
Acccept the success.
Accept a new identity.
You can be a runner, a cyclist, a swimmer, a triathlete, a 5Ker, a marathoner, a cross-fitter, a boot camper, a hiker, a walker. You can be a woman (or man, I won't be sexist here) who moves!
I'm really excited for you (and me) because I know we've got this!
If you want to check out the #REALwomenmove movement head on over here:
If you want to shop on their site you can use discount code 1SSCAPT20 for 20% off. However, there is a sale on the sale happening now through March 12th and for items with special sale prices you can use code SALE20.
I am a Skirt Sports Ambassador but I share my love of #REALwomen move because I love it's message, not because I gain anything from doing so.
Great post!
ReplyDeleteIt can be hard to get out the door for sure. I think that's why I like to have a goal race in front of me to keep me on my game. Usually, I hate NOT working out, so that gets me moving. However, there are times when I am just so tired and feeling drained that I think resting is best. So, I stay inside and lay around. While I will feel guilty for the moment, I tell myself it's okay. Not every day is going to be good in getting moving. Just allow yourself to not move and get back on it the next day.
I agree with everything you said, Shannon! For sure having a goal race in front of you helps.