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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Plans For A Second Marathon

Wow, it's been a long time since I last blogged. It's amazing how time can get away from you. Speaking of time, I'm beginning the thought process of when I need to begin training for my 2nd marathon. If I do the Seattle Marathon, which takes place November 28th, then a 16-18 week plan puts me as beginning official training in August. Ugh! I hate running in August. It's summer which makes for more than one difficulty regarding training. First, it's hot and I tend to melt into the asphalt in heat. Yep, just bring a bucket and mop because there will be nothing left of me but a wet, sweaty puddle on the road. The other issue is I have the kids at home and it's hard to find time to run with them around. Both of these combined means I'll be putting in some treadmill time. But you know what? I can do that. It's okay. It's only one month and Septemeber arrives and they'll be back in school. And really, those long runs in August will only be in the 8-10 mile range, a distance I'm hoping to not drop below anyway during my "off " time. Since the plans I'm looking at start with 8 miles as their long run it will leave me a little wiggle room. What does that mean? It means real training will begin in September when the temps drop and my time free's up to run outside again.

I'm excited to think about doing a 2nd marathon. I ran into a dad at my dd's school yesterday who noticed my 26.2 sticker on my car. "You run marathons?" he asked me. I told him, "Well, one so far but hoping to do more." He's run 6 of them, including the Seattle Marathon. I can't wait to be able to tell someone I've run multiple marathons cause really, I felt a little silly standing there wearing my 26.2 sweatshirt in front of my 26.2 car sticker for my one marathon. lol! But he was great and said I should be proud of the accomplishment. I love marathoners. They're so encouraging to those just starting out.

So, the Seattle Marathon is on my calendar. I hear it is a challenging course with difficult hills at the end but I'm up for it. It's also usually a chilly and sometimes wet marathon and that suits me just fine. In fact, that's why I'm up for the challenging hills. I'd much rather deal with hills than heat. Now, to talk my husband into giving up part of his Thanksgiving Day Weekend to make an early morning drive into Seattle. I've got a few months to sweet talk him. :)

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